Voxiom.io is the top rated voxel multiplayer first person shooter inspired by minecraft, fortnite, and counter-strike. Players must strategicly build, craft, and shoot on the battlefield to gain an advantage to win. If you are under attack, you can quickly build yourself a wall for cover. You can also mine various resources to upgrade the weapon of your choice. The combination between building and crafting provides the players the most unique and fun first person shooter experience.
W - Walk forward
S - Walk backward
A - Walk left
D - Walk right
Space - Jump
E - Interact
X - Open Inventory (Use mouse left click and right click to swap items)
Hold C - Crouch
Hold Shift - Sprint
Hold Tab - View Map
Left Mouse Button - Primary action on item: Shoot / Use Item / Consume Item
Right Mouse Button - Secondary action on item: Aim / Switch block placement mode
Controls W - Walk forward S - Walk backward A - Walk left D - Walk right Space - Jump E - Interact X - Open Inventory (Use mouse left click and right click to swap items) Hold C - Crouch Hold Shift - Sprint Hold Tab - View Map Left Mouse Button - Primary action on item: Shoot / Use Item / Consume Item Right Mouse Button - Secondary action on item: Aim / Switch block placement mode